thursday threads

thursday threads is a weekly reflective email written by an influential Christian to inspire and encourage. Sign up to have it arrive in your inbox every Thursday.

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Top posts chosen by our lovely threads team

Is internet dating biblical?

// It seems everything is available if you only think to look for it; even a husband.

Written by Allie Brown

Picked by Christine Gilland

It’s no secret that I LOVE reading posts about dating and relationships, and I’ve been quite taken with the topic of this post, way back from the archives of 2012. I especially like some of the great responses in the comments section.

The key to lifelong sex? Get the right advice

// A response to a recent Guardian article.

Written by Christine Woolgar

Picked by Thomas McConaghie

We asked Christine to respond to an article posted on the Guardian regarding sex advice. I was really pleased with this response... 3 strands of advice to have good sex with your spouse.