How to be a justice junkie without being smothered by your own compassion

// It's time to take off the cape. We already have a saviour, we don’t need another one.

Written by Mim Skinner

The glorification of glory stories

// The dominant form of story in our gatherings and conferences are those of victory. It's important to not forget the...

Written by Mim Skinner

The maybe culture

// Seems like we're miles away from the honesty and integrity of ‘letting your yes be yes and your no be...

Written by Mim Skinner

A spoonful of sugar helps the gospel go down

// It's OK to admit you're nervous and don't have the answers.

Written by Mim Skinner

The importance of being publicly crap on Instagram

// There is nothing that pushes the inadequacy buttons ...

Written by Mim Skinner

What the Church can learn from drag

// Recently, thanks to a friend, I have been dipping my toes in the pool that is the drag scene.

Written by Mim Skinner

Graduation fail: welcome to the life party?


Written by Mim Skinner

A better way to be a do-gooder

// The culture of the professional do-gooder is disempowering to the individual wanting to lace their ‘do-gooding’ through the fabric of...

Written by Mim Skinner

Activism and narcissism and the ‘no make-up selfie’

// "If going out without make-up is a biggie for you and you’ve braved it this week, then truly and unsarcastically,...

Written by Mim Skinner

A ropey and dysfunctional community

// "Jesus’s disciples were a nightmare too. They ditched him on prayer nights out, pretended not to know him when he...

Written by Mim Skinner

PTL for Fruitful Evange: The jargon virus and the need for inclusivity

// "Like many other young charismatic evangelicals, I grew up in youth ministries that rejected much of the traditional church language...

Written by Mim Skinner

The hierarchy of sin

// And top of that list... you guessed it: sex.

Written by Mim Skinner

Introducing: Jesus the hipster

// "Trendy Christianity might bring people to church but friendship keeps them there, and sometimes friendship does not look trendy."

Written by Mim Skinner

On freedom and armpit hair

// The average woman shaves 7,718 times in her life for an average of 10.9 minutes a-go.

Written by Mim Skinner

No hugs please, we’re British

// Along with excessive hugging we’ve embraced singing worship songs with a Texan twang, and doing pastoral care in Starbucks.

Written by Mim Skinner

Flatulence, Irreverence and the Holy Ghost

// We were discussing, at a church youth group for 11 to 12-year-olds recently, who the Holy Spirit was.

Written by Mim Skinner

6 side-effects of salvation

// When you become a Christian, the ratio of hoodies to other types of clothes in your wardrobe will rise dramatically....

Written by Mim Skinner

Let’s ‘cha cha slide’ for Jesus: The rise of prescriptive worship

// If the whole church that was singing ‘we bow down’ actually bowed down, it would be carnage; we’d have to...

Written by Mim Skinner

Give to Cameron what is Cameron’s?

// The early Christians were all over breaking the law.

Written by Mim Skinner

Singleness: What’s all the fuss about?

// Miriam Skinner implores us to stop rabbiting on about relationships.

Written by Mim Skinner